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What Parents and Children say

Hear the remarkable story of a young girl named Zoe who used the Zing Program - moving her from “I can’t do this” to “I can do this”.

Client Testimonials

"Tobias I never dreamed that simple exercises 20 minutes a day would have SUCH an impact on our lives. He finds reading easier. In school, my son who was so hyperactive before, is now so much happier and calm that teachers found it hard to believe that it was the same child. They almost couldn’t recognize him. His self-esteem has grown and he has made new friends. Before no one wanted to play with him because he couldn’t control his behavior and I was so worried for his future life. It was so hard for him and I felt so horrible because I was shouting at him because he was so challenging. Zing has changed our lives."

Melani Christensen (Mother)

"A month ago my son Oliver started the Zing program. It’s been quite a job to make him engage in his daily routine but when he’s doing it he focuses and enjoys the moment. We were told a month ago to send him to a special school for children with learning disabilities because he wasn’t able to read. He’s only 8. I was devastated! But chose to ignore the “comment”. Two days ago he came home with a new “evaluation”... words can’t describe my joy!!!! His reading skills have improved wonderfully. His teachers for the first time had positive things to say. I know one of them didn’t believe in the program. Hopefully she’ll realize that this is actually helping our child to achieve his full potential."

Didi Gonzalez (Mother)

"My son Yuvraj has been doing Zing for the last two months & he's very consistent with his daily Zing exercises. I had a meeting with his class teacher & educational psychologist this week. I had the best feedback from them about the progress he has made with his learning since he's been back to school in September. 'It’s like a lightbulb is on & he can see things clearly'. He is so amazed & proud of himself with his progress & yesterday he was so happy he said 'Thank you Zing' As a family we are very proud of him too. I always knew that he's a very intelligent boy but I could never understand the reason of his struggle. I knocked all the doors possible to get help & find the reason but never had any satisfactory answer I wish my whole family use Zing & get the benefit of this amazing invention which Mr. Wynford Dore has found & helping struggling families. Many thanks, happy mother."

Inderjit Kaur (Mother)

"Verbal presentations used to be overwhelming for him, and always a pain point with low grades. I can't say how thrilled I am with these results! I keep reminding him that Zing isn't just for here and now, it will benefit him his entire life. I'm so glad I'm sticking with it and helping him to remember the value in the program."

Julie Randall (Mother)

My son couldn't focus. His obsessive compulsive behaviour overwhelmed him. I was so worried for his future. He was in his own (very negative) world. His problems affected the whole family. He felt weak and stupid. We are so surprised that Zing has had such a positive effect on him. He is now looking forward to the future. He feels that he can enjoy what life has to offer. We all feel that we are back on track, stronger than ever before.

Katrine Venke (Mother)

My son has been doing Zing for 113 days. He has experienced so many positive changes - we are sure Zing is one of the best things we have done with him. […] The biggest surprise was this Friday afternoon when he came to me - having realized he could read his favorite book himself - Dory the fish with memory-loss. He said to me "Mom I would like to read you something from Dory - I can actually read it myself. And he could!!!! And did. 4 pages! I had to record it so that he could send it with a message to his teacher. He was so proud - it was so wonderful. Annemari Duus Dunnhaupt (Mother)

I never dreamed that simple exercises 20 minutes a day would have SUCH an impact on our lives. He finds reading easier. In school, my son who was so hyperactive before, is now so much happier and calm that teachers found it hard to believe that it was the same child. They almost couldn’t recognize him. His self-esteem has grown and he has made new friends. Before no one wanted to play with him because he couldn’t control his behavior and I was so worried for his future life. It was so hard for him and I felt so horrible because I was shouting at him because he was so challenging. Zing has changed our lives.

Melani Christensen (Mother)

I definitely started to see a change in Emilia prior to the 3 months, less forgetful, more organized and definitely much happier and more confident. These positive changes just continued and she went from strength to strength even achieving an award earlier this year for most improved pupil. We are so glad that she has done the program, it has made such a difference to her and it is wonderful to be starting the new academic year and to see her with such positivity and belief in her ability. I can highly recommend the program. It is hard for any parent to know what to do to help their child, you can just feel very reliant on the school. I felt I needed to do something despite all the wonderful things that her school was doing. I am so glad I did because it really has made such a positive difference to her and it was just wonderful to see her happy and smiling again.

Laura Scimeca (Mother)

Initially, I thought the Zing program would be helpful for my daughter Louisa. I was getting excited about the potential to improve her self-esteem and skill sets in the areas where she wasn't reaching her full potential. After asking some more questions, I decided to have my son Samuel assessed as well. The results were mind blowing as they showed that my son's results showed some lower scores than my daughter. My husband and I encouraged our children each morning and evening as they challenged themselves with the 10-minute segments of personalized coordinative exercises. We all really liked having the monthly testing sessions because it helped the kids see their improvement. Our Zing coaches were so encouraging and gave us a more detailed description on what the results meant. For my daughter this program has improved many things. For example, reading is fun and not exhausting, ability to organize and her memory is able to retain more information. These are her score improvements: Reading speed: 8% to 72% to 84% Response time: 50% to 57% to 72% Concentration: 64% to 93% to 95% For my son this program has improved many things as well. For example, improved focus, speaks up for himself, eye tracking improvement has helped with his mental capacity to retain what he is reading and read it faster. Reading speed: 20% to 32% to 48% Control: 65% to 66% to 83% Concentration: 46% to 66% to 99% I highly recommend getting your hands on anything written by Wynford Dore and using the Zing program. The discoveries that he and his colleagues have made in relation to the cerebellum is priceless.

Jeannine Mitchell (Mother)



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